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A clockwork orange: the subject’s dissolution in modern society

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dc.contributor.author Román González, Jenny Viviana
dc.date.accessioned 2018-12-27T20:25:57Z
dc.date.available 2018-12-27T20:25:57Z
dc.date.issued 2014-03-12
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/11254/682
dc.description.abstract The Anthony Burgess’ most amous work, A Clockwork Orange, was written in 1962. The great tale of he young “droog” Alex and his large histories of mugging people, beating up other gangs, raping women, and tealing from shops each night are he best reflection of Burgess constant preoccupation about the destructive and self-destructive aspects of men and ociety. Immortalized ten years after ts publication by the excellent Stanley Kubrick’s filmic version, A Clockwork Orange is a strong critic to the modern society which tries to eliminate all the undesirable characteristics of its subjects by using technological practices that, in fact, castrate their free will, their creativity. es_CO
dc.subject Clockwork orange es_CO
dc.subject Modern society es_CO
dc.subject Revista es_CO
dc.subject Unaciencia es_CO
dc.title A clockwork orange: the subject’s dissolution in modern society es_CO
dc.type Article es_CO

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